Proof of Concept vs Prototype

You and your development team have a fully vetted product. Your target audience is on board, and you can now move forward with the next steps. It’s time to put your idea to the test and see if you truly have a viable product.

But to move forward, there are some key decisions to make which are often a cause for concern for many businesses — like choosing whether to go with a proof of concept or a prototype for the validation process. 

This short guide investigates these two methodologies and provides a closer examination of what they are, their differences, pros and cons, and which one could be best for your project.

Proof of Concept

In the world of software and application development, a proof of concept is an early version of a product you envision. It’s used to test the functionality and validate the ideas behind the product. 

The proof of concept stage of development happens at the beginning of a project and is your first chance to see the product in action in real-world situations. It’s an opportunity to test whether it’s technically possible or feasible to finish the product in full. This means any proof of concept requires the collaborative efforts of both design and tech teams.

The finished POC concept contains lots of documentation and typically a wireframe or framework of what the product will look like and can do. For something like a landing page, this could take around 20 hours, and for an application, anywhere from 100 to 300 hours. 

A proof of concept is a way to take a design and give it a little life and provide a general experience to test users so they can understand how it will work and if it’s viable. In many situations, the POC doesn’t require much — or any — coding or development. But the documentation will reflect the technical requirements.

If the POC has a negative test result, the business saves time and money. And if there’s a positive result, it’s an assurance to all teams that they have a feasible product with the technology to build it. 

Overall, it’s a stepping stone to creating a minimum viable product (MBP) — a version of the product that contains essential features only.

Proof of Concept Pros and Cons

Businesses should never rush into any project, but here are some pros and cons for developing a proof of concept before moving on to development.


  • A POC tests whether your product idea is good for your market. You must identify a problem before creating a POC. And the POC will then help you verify whether the product solves the problem.
  • It’s an opportunity to test a product with users outside of your team and learn.
  • The methodology behind a POC can attract initial investors as it show’s you’ve actually committed to testing.
  • A POC can reveal elements of your product that you hadn’t thought of in your initial idea phase.
  • Creating a POC can create an earlier release date than anticipated as you’ll be able to identify risks and take measures to mitigate them.
  • POC development can assist businesses with budgetary decisions around the project and save money in the long run.


  • Once there’s a positive test from a proof of concept, it can be difficult to convey to shareholders on a project to manage their expectations as the project can evolve. There’s still a lot more to do!


Prototypes are early versions of products used to test both functionality and design. Typically, they demonstrate the physical form of a product and simulate the experience of users through select features. 

The user interface (UI) for a prototype rarely has backend work in place, and teams could use a low-code or no-code prototype for user testing. Prototypes create a way to see if users can navigate through the product or feature with no issues. 

In some ways, this may read like the definition for a minimum viable product. But it’s actually a step before as MVPs require more work from both engineers and developers. 

Typical prototype styles include:

  • Rapid or Throwaway - A short-term prototype used for feedback. Once tested, it’s typically discarded or only referenced in future prototypes.
  • Evolutionary - This style creates a functional prototype over a simulation. Developers will typically use this style when there are no clear requirements for the product. They develop over time.
  • Incremental - Developers use this style when the product is complex and requires multiple product teams to develop. The teams will work on different elements at the same time to refine everything and then bring it all together into a working prototype.
  • Extreme - Mobile and web applications typically use this style. It’s set up in three phases: wireframes for simulation, transform the wireframes into functional services, code and implement functions and features.

Prototype Pros and Cons

Creating a prototype before a minimum viable product is ideal, and you’d only skip this step of the development process in rare situations. But here are the pros and cons of prototyping.


  • Prototypes allow for multiple tests so development teams can work on user interaction with the product as a whole or a feature until it’s near perfection.
  • You’ll get immediate feedback.
  • Prototyping also saves money over time as your team is less likely to have issues in the future through the testing process.
  • They can attract even more investment funds than a POC. 


  • A prototype may look like a finished product, but it’s limited. And sometimes stakeholders draw conclusions from the testing process as though it’s a finished product.
  • Prototyping takes more time and incurs more cost than a proof of concept.

When do you need a proof of concept,
and when do you need a prototype?

A validation method depends solely on which stage of the development cycle the product is in. From what we presented in the sections above, you can see how a POC typically comes before a prototype. And the development of a POC also lends to the development of a prototype. 

Here are the key points to remember:

  • POCs test the validity and feasibility of an idea. A product tests the design and functionality.
  • POCs usually appear as a presentation with documentation and a wireframe. Prototypes typically involve a mockup interface.
  • POCs are tested within an organization, though not by the product team. And prototypes are tested by the internal organization along with external users.

When you need a proof of concept?

  1. When you’re ready to validate the idea behind a product and test it for market viability.
  2. When you’re ready to validate and test the technical feasibility of your product.
  3. When key features in the product haven’t become standard in your industry.

When you need a prototype?

  1. After you’ve created a POC with positive results.
  2. When you want feedback on the look and feel of a product.
  3. When you want to attract investors before the product is complete.
  4. To test a product’s basic functionality.


It’s difficult to create new programs and applications. The development process can go in several directions and feedback can prompt you to make modifications or even a complete overhaul. Regardless, you’ll save a lot more time and money. 

Both methodologies are important to the development process and determining whether your product idea is viable from a marketing and technical standpoint. And if you want your application to be successful, work with a team who implements them both — even for new features.

If you want to develop a program or application for your business, work with a development team that’s experienced in creating high-quality solutions, like us.









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